Here is a list of short tutorials and applications for Bryce users. However, many of these techniques can be used with other software packages.

Freeware Applications

Windows Stand-alone Applications

Python Scripts for Poser 4 Pro Pack or Poser 5

  • Global Light Settings (removed, updated version in the script pak below)
  • GPA Script Pak 1 (freeware script bundle)

Props for Poser


Tutorials and Reference

Artist's Reference (preview)

Bryce Tips and Tricks

Grouper 1.4


Workflow Tutorials

While you can use Grouper with many different applications, I wrote it to work with Poser, Bryce and Carrara. These tutorials are examples of my typical workflow, your workflow may be very different depending on what you're doing.

In the first tutorial I'm assuming you've never installed or used Grouper before and I'll be showing you how to setup some of the features to make it easier to use.

Babel 1.0


Photo-realistic Images in Bryce

Importing Poser Figures Into Carrara Studio 2

Let's import a DAZ millennium figure into Carrara Studio 2. What the heck, let's just run through the whole darn thing and build a finished render. I'm also going to be using Grouper but you can adapt the same basic techniques if you're working on a Mac or in another rendering application.


These pages make reference to the several commercial software products. For more information on those products, click on the link to go to the manufacturer's site.
